Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh My Stinkin' Goodness!

So tonight we had my bestie and her hubby over for a game night. It was going fantanstic! Bronco played with Shelby the entire time and loves her to death! Well, let me tell ya what! That kid is a lil' traitor! I went to take him from Shelby to get him ready for bed and he screamed! He looked at me like I was a stranger and cried and cried! The instant I gave him back to her he stopped crying, I took him again and he flipped out and cried more! He'd only let me hold him and dress him if he could see her.  As she left he'd look at her and then at me and grunt wanting to go home with Shelby and David.  *sigh* I thought I was loved! 

Aside from that tragic moment, the night went well, lots of laughs were shared and it was good wholesome fun! Abby was excited people were over and showed off like mad! She was singing, dancing, talking about "Dada" and barking. She pulled all of her tricks out and they went over quite well! 

Jon had some "man cave" time with David and played video games while Shelby and I chatted about her new life as a wife.  I keep thinking how weird it is that my best friend is married! I know now how she felt and what she thought after I had been married. 

I found an old roll of film and after developing it laughed at all the silly pictures from high school. Shelby and I were very different back then. Our life goals, ambitions and dreams have changed and now we are starting new adventures and creating new dreams.  It is a fun journey going down memory lane, but I am glad I have my two children and Mr Lee.  The present and future are what I think about now and I know that the both have great things in store! :)  Tomorrow night we are having my in-laws over! I know it'll be just as fun having them too! 

Anywhodado! I should go and finish getting Abby to sleep. She is quite the procrastinator! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A lil' bit' o' lovin'!

This morning Abby woke up saying Mama! I went into her room and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cuddled up close.  She chit-chatted for about ten minutes and then pushed herself off saying Dada. I can't get her to say my name again (she's so selective when she says it) but it was really exciting for her to wake up asking for me :) I love my babies and how much they love me!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Morning Wednesday!

I am excited about today for a few reasons :)
Reason one - It's the middle of  the week which means two more days until the weekend!
Reason two - I have a big surprise for Mr Lee!
Reason three - AMERICAN IDOL! I love AI and it never gets old for me! Watching people's dreams come true is so fun and inspiring!

As I am trying to type this I have Bronco sitting next me and trying to hold me hand. That's his new move. :) He reaches out for my hand and then sits there holding it while he talks to me. So sweet <3

Abby has learned how to shake hands. She is so darling! She reaches out and shakes our hands. We say "Well, hello! Nice to meet you again Abby!". I love my children oh so much!

I should get going Bronco is trying so hard to hold my hand and they are both typing... needless to say he's not a happy camper! I'll write more when Hubby gets home!

Ciao! (K) MUAH!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dinasour Trains, Magic Books, and Cat in the Hat

I recall a day when I could exercise first thing in the morning, make a fruit smoothie and sip it as I watch the morning news.  But my children now dictate what plays on my TV screen.  From 9:00 am until 12:00pm they have their various shows they love to watch/hear.  It's nice because I get some me time and some house work done.

Bronco talks and talks to the characters and Abigail dances with the music.  It is so cute to watch them play. :) They have really grown together and love playing with each other!

Abigail has started going to bed at NIGHT on a regular basis! We just have to make sure she only gets one nap a day and it only lasts two hours! Which is fine by me! I love playing with my babies!

Make sure you check out my new Cook Blog! It's a web version of my cook book! Enjoy! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oh Saturday!!!

Well it's the weekend folks! I'm sure you're already aware of that :) Mr Lee has the weekend off for now. In may he switches his schedule to Mon, Wed, Fri-Sun. It'll be sad having him gone on the weekends. I'm not sure it might be nice for awhile, since he's been home for so long.

Bronco and Abby are in the race to see who is crawling first.  I betting on Abigail. She just needs a confidence boost. Every day I stand her up on her feet, hold her hands, and exclaim out how tall and big and beautiful she is! Bronco has plenty of confidence. His favorite thing to do is lift up his shirt exposing is belly. He gets this big grin that says "Oh ya, it's all me babe". Oh my kids!

I've been overly hungry lately and it is making it hard for me to keep on my healthy habits. So I bought some Special K Protein Shakes (chocolate of course) any way these things are  SUPER delicious and  I can't get enough of them! After breakfast, if a couple hours later I am starving, instead of making a whole other meal, I just drink one of those bad boys! And it curbs my hunger until lunch. :) I also have the Special K Fruit Crisps with it. 

Hopefully I can keep this up over the weekend.  I love to cook. And I do everything from scratch. 
Mr Lee loves my cooking but he HATES the clean up.  Tonight I am making Apple Pork!
Pork cooked in a skillet wrapped in bacon, with sauted apples, sweet onions, 
green and orange peppers, a colorful medley of baby potatoes and for dessert...
a home made, from scratch! Triple layer chocolate cake!

I found my camera and will be posting some pictures of my babies, husband and tonights dinner!
Thanks for stopping by and check back late tonight for a glimpse of awesomeness! 


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday Madness!

Mr Lee started work this Monday!!! It is so exciting for him and for us! He loves his new job. Even though it's a call center (and not a place most people aspire to work) he is enthralled with all he is learning.  And his new venture with work has sparked an interest in a career in marketing.  This is all wonderful and brings us one step closer to getting back on our feet!

Bugaboo was playing on the floor yesterday and got up on her hands and knees.  I wasn't sure what she was doing. Normally she does this to sit up but she stayed there. And much to my amazement she crawled!!! A whole 2 feet before falling!!! The fall scared her and she hasn't made an attempt since, but it was a great feat for her! I fear I accidentally gave my camera to DI so there is no picture of this magical moment.  

I don't know if she can sense that Bronco is already trying to crawl and holding himself up on furniture.  If she's anything like me, there is NO WAY she is letting him beat her to the punch!

Both babies are bound and determined not to take their afternoon naps right now.  Abby sits up and calls for "DaDa" and when I lay her back down she grumpily says "mama" (while growling). *sigh* one day!

I have been doing great with my working out and eating right! This morning I had Light n Fit over fresh mango, strawberries, papaya and honey dew! It wad DELISH!!!

Abby is back on schedule now! It's only a matter of keeping there and keeping on a routine. My goal is to have a date night with Mr. Lee without ruining Bugaboo's sleep schedule!

I feel we are so lucky to have her back on track. Our hard work really paid off. :) 

Well I'm out of here folks! I got some cleaning to do and a nap to take! (K) MUAH!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a Weekend!

Hey ya'll!  So today's been pretty swell so far! My babies are both asleep right now! Abby went to bed at 5:00 pm today! So just five more nights until we can start up her routine again!

Little Buddy (Bronco) has a head cold. His poor little eyes are all swollen and goopy and his lil' nose is stuffed.

But he is just a happy and fun as any other day! This weekend was pretty relaxing.  I can't really think of what we did.  We stayed up with the  babies and slept when we could.  Overall it was good.

Right Mr Lee is asleep on the couch next to me as he "watches" the CMA Awards with me!

Speaking of  CMA Awards I hope ya'll voted for Miranda Lambert! If not you'll have to answer to me! ;)

Tomorrow is looking to be the start of a long week for this lil' mama. Jonny starts his new work bright and early at 5:30am.  So he'll be in bed by 10:00 tonight and I'll be all night with Abby until he gets home around 3:00pm and then I'll go to bed until he wakes me up before he has to go to bed.  I'm not going to like not seeing much of him, but we're lucky to have work!

My fit fun fantastic adventure is looking up! I had fresh fruits, yogurt, milk, water and juice for snacks and with breakfast! I also had Special K Fruit Crisps (these are the best! low calorie treat ever!) Also if you are looking for a delicious way to eat healthy you should try the Special K Challenge. I am doing it along with my exercise and I have so much energy eating the suggested foods and drinks!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Want to Hold your Hand!

I chose this title for my over all blog because it pretty much describes me and Mr Lee!  
I remember when I was about to get married my sister Cait 
informed me that after you get married the making out, hand holding and constant butterflies come to a halt... only because you could do SOMETHING else and it kind of took over. 

WELL! I told this to Jonny and he promised me that, that would never! ever! 
be the case with us! 
2 1/2 years later this still rings true!
I still have butterflies in my tummy when he reaches for my hand!
(Which he does anytime we are going anywhere!)
I am pretty sure we are the only couple who kisses each other
as we are leaving SOMEONE else's home.

Loving one another NEVER gets old. And everyday
we find new ways to show that love! 
If it weren't for our two little lovelies people would 
assume we are newly weds! 
I love being so in LOVE !

I love this crazy, tragic, Sometimes almost magic, Awful, beautful life!

Well folks it is Saturday and I am up before the rooster crows! I am still undecided as to whether or not I am enjoying being up or if I want to be sound asleep snuggling with Mr Lee... hmmm I chose snuggling!

BUT! I am up with Abigail.  She took a midnight nap around 3:00am and up @ 5:00am!


I have a few things to share with you from my week.  I thought I would do a short recap of my week's highs and lows. :)


  • Low- My kids slept all day and I missed playing with them. :{
  • High - Mr Lee quietly led me into my bedroom and with relaxing Zen music gave me a back & foot massage!
  • High - After my debut at the Jon Spa he tucked me into bed for a nap that lasted a good portion of the day!
  • High - When I woke up he had cleaned the WHOLE house and it was OH so Pretty!
  • High - We took a play day and relaxed all day enjoying our B E A UTIFUL babies!
  • High - We went to Mom Cindy's to a pizza party and to visit Gama Harris from Georgia! 
  • ? - Abby learned how to bark... and freakishly quite well!
  • Low - I almost got in a wreck because some jerk face lady tried to cut me off two seconds away from the stop light. I passed her... made eye contact and ... stuck my tongue out at her!
  • Low - Got very little sleep
  • High - We were given a COSTCO membership! I had to bite my tounge when I flashed my card to the door lady... I wanted to say "FBI Mam, I'm here investigate the contents of the store and purchase evidence that proves COSTCO ROCKS!" 
  • High - The day went by slowly and breezy!
  • High - Watched Tangled and watched some in the setting for the blind! It was AWESOME!
  • High - Abby really liked Tangled! 
  • High - Bought tons of healthy, great tasting food for me and Mr Lee!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm sooooooo LOVIN' April 1st!

So last night I was up all night long with Abigail. 
I tried to sleep here and there but it was a DISASTER!!! Only because I just wanted to play with her and cuddle her. :) I got to sleep from 6:30 am until 8:30 am. Even though I only had two hours I feel so INVIGORATED! 

She is absolutely my FAVE daughter! I am trying to teach her how to say:

Abby is determined never to say my name. She will growl, hum, squeal, bark even rather than say mama. It doesn't really bother me because one day she'll have payback! I will teach my granddaughter to say Nana before she EVER says MAMA! That is my secret plan which is now not so secret anymore. :)

April 1st marks the first day of my official "Adventures of a Fit, Fun, FANTASTIC mama!" series and  Mr Lee, being the heartsweet (story about heartsweet to be posted on his blog shortly!) he is brought home breakfast from his early morning runs. Breakfast? Doughnuts... bite size powered and frosted DOUGHNUTS! I broke his heart when I told him today was THE day of my new self.  Poor fellow bout' lost it. ;). I am so STINKIN excited about this I am pretty sure I shed a few pounds just from jumping up and down in my mind! 

I do not believe in tracking my weight.  Yes I have a HEALTHY weight goal I would eventually like to obtain. But like they say:
 "All good things come to those who wait!".  
I am going to be focusing more on food choices, exercise and fitting into my favorite outfits! Like my T that says I <3 my Hubby, or my pok-a-dot swimsuit, or my favorite bedroom piece... yes I just said that! A great wife and mother is made from confidence, great self esteem and of course her sense of humor! 

Anywhodado, feel free to read, laugh or cry whatever you're in the mood for when reading my posts! I will be blogging every day! Also, don't worry about all the ! in my blog posts! I know my grammar but I am naturally a loud and outrageous person! So think of it as getting a lil' piece of Mrs. Fit Lee in your life! Every time you use and ! think of me and my OH SO B E A utiful self! 

Well, ththththt thththth thats' all folks! (K) MUAH! (a big fat blogger kiss!)

We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!