Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Everyday Life

I had a pen pal recently ask me how I liked being a homemaker. Her actual question was "How are you handling being a stay-at-home  mom?"  My first thought was "Wow that term is quite literal".  I am a stay-at-home- mom.  We have one car that Jon takes to Boise everyday for work,  I maybe get visitors once or twice a month, and have little to no adult interaction on a daily basis.

I had to be honest with myself. I am a struggling homemaker.  Everyone who knows me, knows that I am an extrovert and that being around people is almost a life source for me. My passions in life included singing, playing piano and writing. But I also loved doing service, helping children and making friends.  However, in the last two and a half years I have felt detached from all of that.

I use to be this fearless girl who could approach anyone with confidence. Now I find that going anywhere to meet anyone is a constant dread.  The ability to socialize and be myself always made things easy for me when it came to making friends. But being at home for so long has diminished that.  I can sit here and write a lovely post at what a wonderful mother I am, and that I am the center of morning walks with other moms, but I know that 's not true.

Mr Lee has noticed things getting stressful for me.  He recalled an earlier Mrs Lee, the one who would compliment a waitress on her hair or eyes and make her whole night, the early Mrs Lee who was fierce and open.  And after much prayer, we talked things through and decided that maybe it was time for him to stay home while he did school and for me to work.

So for the past three months I have been searching and applying for every and any job.  Our big fear of me working was the judgement of family who felt that I should be home with the children. I can express my frustration on this matter.  If anyone knew my heart, understood how much I love my children, they'd know that going to work would be hard on me. However, for my sanity's sake, and to save me from becoming a "shut in" (term used for someone so accustomed to staying indoors that he/she prefers little adult reaction and to be alone) we felt like working would be a good option.

I have yet to find a job. I even applied to where Jon is currently working but missed passing the assessment by one.  As I left the building the secretary (whom I had been speaking with prior) asked if I made it.  Instantly  tears filled my eyes and I shook my head no as I made my way to our van.  I could try again in 90 days, and in 90 days I will.

On my way home I kept praying to Heavenly Father, wondering why finding a job wasn't working out.  We felt that this was His will.  I know many of you are thinking other wise. Women are meant to stay home, meant to be in the house.  But I am no ordinary woman.  I have a lot to offer the world and I have many goals and dreams and I WILL make them all happen.

My mother is so loving and kind and tends to worry too much. She often talks to my younger siblings and tells them how she wishes I had listened to her all those years ago, or how she wishes Jon was done with school before we had kids so we could be living the life of my brother and his sweet wife.  But that is not the plan God has for us.  All my life I have lived through many rough trials and because of those trials I have come out stronger.  I do not regret any decision I have ever made, I do not wish I could rewind my life and recreate moments.

Working for a little while as my hunk of a hubby goes to further his education will only benefit me as a woman, wife and mother. It will be one of those choices I will not regret.  It will be a choice that changes my life for the better.  Leaving my babies is a difficult choice, it wrings my heart. But I know they have a loving father and a loving Father in Heaven who will watch over them and care for them.  I have three months to be home, maybe shorter if another opportunity arises and every moment I will be loving my family.

And to anyone who says "Woman! Do them dishes! Wash them bottles! Make that super!", don't worry about it. I will. But not until I retrieve the woman I once was.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bragging Rigths

I just have to pop on here and brag!  I work my whuss of two day ago cleaning and it was destroyed over night. But! Today I cleaned it all back up, got my babies to nap AT the same time AND! made a huge batch of monster cookies! Just sayin...I am awesome :) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A lil' bit of Confidence !

Today has been a big day for everyone!

Abigail has been intent on learning to stand. She is constantly pulling herself up on the couch, in her play pin etc. Tonight she slipped standing in the play pin and knocked her jaw on the edge.  She bit her tongue and it bled for about five minutes.  She cried for about a minutes before calming down.  When I looked into her mouth I could not, for the life of me, find where she had bit herself.  I looked on her tongue, underneath, on her cheeks and found nothing.
I am pretty sure I witnessed a miracle today. And on top of all of that Abby was back to playing and trying to stand withing moments of her accident.  It made me so happy to see that she is a fighter. The words "defeat", "fail" and "give up" do not exist in her dictionary of life!

Bronco crawled a whole two feet!! I have to admit I was freaked out that he was starting to crawl so I tickled him with my toe and he fell over.  He laughed at me and decided to roll all over the house destroying my hard work! He is probably my most distracted child. I can give Abby one toy and she is preoccupied for hours...Bronco wants to touch everything and  break anything! But he is the cutest and happiest baby in the world. Both my babes are!

And on top of that  I got a huge amount of hose work done today! I swept, mopped, wiped, scrubbed until my knees hurt and my knuckles bled! Needless to say I love my clean home!

I have so much more to write but I am beyond exhausted! So I am off to bed ya'll!

Have a great night!

xoxoxo Mrs Lee (k)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Abby taking her morning nap. :) She cuddles anything!

This is how Abby sneaks naps! She pretends to play 
and sneaks in little ten minute naps!

Bronco's Pin! Currently Abby's bed, but during the day 
it is HIS zone! 

This girl may weigh 6lbs less than Bronco,
but she can pin him every time!

Someone, loves the camera...
a little too much! 

He always bites this one finger...silly

No joke, this kid smiles like this for EVERY bite of food! 

Again, I never met someone who sleeps so heavenly!

A Little Piece of Heaven... Every Day

I have been having such a blast with my two babies! Abby is still struggling with her health, it seems when things look up they go right back down.  However, it hasn't affected her bubbly fun attitude! Bronco is learning to do every thing from his sister.  Since she rolls to get where she wants, he does too.  He does not see the point in crawling if he can just roll all around the house!

Bronco is constantly saying "DaDa".  Mr Lee expressed to me yesterday that he is feeling sad the kids said his name first.  To which I responded "Dear, it does not bother me one bit. Because I know  they say your name first so you won't feel as bad that they love ME the MOST!"

And it is true. :)

Bronco has become my little TV buddy! I stinkin' love The Cosby Show and have been watching it regular basis. Little did I know that Broncs would be such a fan! As soon as he hears that music, his eyes light up and he snuggles up to me to watch.  Laughing when I laugh, and pretending to change the channel with the toy remote when I do anything with the real remote.

Abby is starting to get really good at figuring out words.  Her latest favorite word is SNAP. Anytime we say it she laughs and the more we say it she laughs so hard she ends up out of breath and slapping her leg!

Even on the most difficult days, when Abby won't eat and Bronco is screaming, I always find a little piece of Heaven in my day. And all because of two beautiful angels the Lord has blessed me with!

Right now they are both fast asleep! So adios amigas! I am off!

xoxoxo Mrs Fit Lee

Baggin Jugs

First off I have to share with ya'll a pretty dang hilarious story! I was checking out at Walmart when a conversation started with Elva, a cashier in her 80's. This is how the convo went down:

Elva (80 some old Cashier at Walmart):Who's all this baby food for?
Me: My 18 m/o and 7 m/o.
Elva (laughing): You've had two kids and that close together?
Me: Yes, one right after the other.
Elva: Well, your body certainly doesn't show it, these babies started hanging after my first (as she wiggles her chest).
Me (slightly flattered but feeling awkward): Uh thanks, My babies are pretty entertaining.
Elva: Do you mean your babies or YOUR BABIES?
Me: Ummmmm I'm just going to bag these jugs(referring to milk jugs)...umm I My children are entertaining.
Elva laughing at me as I hurry away with my cart: Good look with your jugs!

Yes, that was probably one of THE most memorable conversations' I've had with an elderly woman!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mr. Big Bronco

I still have no camera to upload pictures due to Mr Lee!!! However I have to brag!!! Bronco had a great appointment today! At 7 months he weighs 23lbs and is 28.5 inches tall! He is in the 90% for weight and the 75% for height! :)

Abby has also gained two pounds and weighs 19lbs!  Still hasn't grown in inches since 10 months, but hopefully the test results from her apt. last week will help!!! They are both learning to crawl and are getting into EVERYTHING!!!! Nothing is safe in this apartment anymore! :) I never thought I would be so happy to have such a messy living room.

Well, Abby and Bronco are both asleep and so I am off to bed also!

xoxoxo Mrs. Lee

We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!