Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well it's been a few days since my last post. I was going to express why I love my hubby everyday but then he picked on me... no, I'm only kidding. Abigail's just kept us very busy. Her Papa Lee and Great Grand dad Lee both have told her numerous times to always keep us alert...well she is finally taking their advice seriously.  Abi loves to sleep all wee hours of the day and spend the evening and am being cute and cuddly.  I am so grateful that she is not a crying or screaming new born. 

On Sunday was the first time I was in relief society since the pregnancy. We had four newborns in the room and all but ONE were extremely fussy. Mother's were getting up left and right to leave and I...I stayed comfortable in my little chair holding my oh so good baby girl. 

I know this probably not very nice but whenever a baby would start to cry I'd whisper in Abigail's ear..."Mommy's proud of good little baby."

I should probably take a moment to knock on wood...I bragged so much the first month of how she sleeps through the night and the last two weeks I've been up all night with her. I do however, manage to catch a few day naps with her and sleep with her from 8 am-10 am also. 

I am surprised at how much she's grown too. When we brought her home she was in pri-mi clothes and it seemed that it would take her months and months to fit into anything else. Well yesterday Jon pulled out an outfit for her that said 0-3 months, and I told him that it wouldn't fit to go put it away. I went to get one of her newborn outfits that she began to fit into a few weeks ago, but Jonathan insisted that the one he had would fit. Apparently he'd tried it the night before. So, I put the outfit on her and it fit so snug and tight!!! I was amazed at how much she'd grown in just a few weeks!! 

 Not only do her clothes seem to fit ten times better but she is also becoming so alert!!! When she's awake she insists on sitting up and looking around. We try holding her close to us or cradling her and she just get's upset, She'd much rather be sitting up on our knee and looking around until her head gets so tired, it falls forward. 

After pregnancy and childbirth I swore up and down that this was never going to happen again to me...ever... My mother kept telling me that I would get passed that and eventually say I want another one. Well I'm eating my own words right now mother dearest... I'm not saying I want another baby right away...heavens that would be hard. But in a couple years I'd do it all over again! 

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We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!