Thursday, November 17, 2011


Surprise :)

So I have decided that my little brilliant self is going to do a surprise for all ya’ll! I am pretty dang excited about this J I can barely contain myself. The surprise will be up December 3, 2011. J This year…in just a couple weeks… brace yourselves for pure awesomeness!
Xoxoxo Love Mrs. Lee 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"shakin' what my mama gave me"

Some of my fondest memories growing up always include my mom's beautiful smile as she excitedly introduces one of her "specialties"  And one of those things is her strawberry banana shake. Milk, strawberries, banana's and NO SUGAR! When she first blended one up for me I was can this taste good WITHOUT THE BEST INGREDIENT! It was sheer madness... But!!! Did I ever love those shakes!!!! 
And now I share that with my family.  My kids LOVE them, I love them and they are a great healthy snack the whole family can enjoy.  Occasionally we throw in peaches for extra flava ;) Here are some fun ways to make them even more delectable!

Use dessert/martini glasses and put chocolate around the brim with chunks of chocolate covered strawberries on top.

Use wax paper to cover the bottom end of a straw, poke a small whole and fill the straw with chocolate, caramel whatever your fancy and blow into the straw to add some extra sweetness! 

My favorite treat is cutting up frozen strawberries into little chunks, some peaches, and putting them in a bowl of Almond milk! It's a sweet dessert or breakfast, with no sugars or fats! 

For a sweeter holiday dessert, put 3tbl spoons of chocolate pudding into a dessert glass, add chunks of chilled strawberries and bananas, add another tablespoon or so of pudding, sprinkle with almonds, and add whipped cream.  For a feel of Christmas dress with strawberry glaze and a mint leaf, and tie a festive ribbon around the base! 

Well that's it for today! I will make the above ^ for dessert tomorrow and will post pictures! I love shakin' what my mama gave me, and am grateful to her for her constant excitement in sharing the things she loves!

xoxoxo Mrs Lee!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Remind Me

Abby :) 23 Months and 2 Weeks!

Gabby Abby with your eyes so blue,
I pray you hold dear to your heart,
all that we have to teach to you.

Your smile is brighter than sun,
sweeter than any I've yet to see.
And your laugh is a melodic run.

Your happiness hides your blindness,
it illuminates all of our lives each day.
You are a glowing star of loveliness.

Some days it is hard for Daddy and I
and we wonder if God will help you.
But he has shown that WE are your sight.

We will lift you up and be your guide.
until you grow your very own wings,
and fly, on your own, into the sky.

Yes, we'll cry when someday go;
no matter the paths you will chose,
We'll be here as you learn and grow.

As for now, you are my dear little girl;
innocent, pure and filled with love.
And I enjoy being your whole wide world.

Love Mom

Abby's growth has been amazing!!! Although she REFUSES to sleep... she is off the charts with her health. She is passing all her blood tests, bone age tests, and phsycial tests with flying colors!

Her Endocrinologist recently stated that he's never seen such a bright beautiful 2 year old (to be)! As the doc was examining Abby she was humming the tune to "Wouldn't it be Loverly" from My Fair Lady (her favorite musical).  He was stunned at how on pitch she was, and that she was following the melody so well.  As he spoke to her, her eyes (though blind) were fixated on his face, locking in the home of the sound.

She stood up and giggled when he made made any type of foreign noise. He clapped twice, she clapped twice, he clapped thrice she clapped thrice. And to his surprise Abigail reached out, grabbed is hands and clapped them together, laughing at his loud, masculine clap.

Then she quieted down, and started studying his hands. Her little fingers traced every line, wrinkle & mole as she got to know her doctor. She then lifted his hand to her face and then her hand to his and smiled. With tears in his eyes her doctor looked at me "I feel like she knows me, really knows me". And she did.

He said normally he waits a year before seeing patients again, but he couldn't wait that long to see Abby and set up another appointment for January. He spend 20 minutes commending me as a mother. Saying that he hasn't had a mother with my determination to teach and help her child progress. "Most mother's are fearful of their child getting hurt and coddle the child, rendering their growth to nothing.  Abby is independent and growing rapidly because of YOU, because of your strong love, and enduring spirit. She has many talents and is beyond smart... Her successes will be because you are a wonderful mother"

I was speechless.  How could he see all that in an appointment? Nonetheless, I believe he is one of those angels Heavenly Father sends us to reinforce our knowledge of who we are, why we're here and what we need to do as parents.  But most of all, I was in love with all he said about Abby, and I was happy she could hear it all.

She started crawling recently and I think it's partly because of Bronco.  She senses his growth and at first, she grew anxious, always wanting mommy or daddy. But she quickly recovered and is trying to do those things her brother is doing. She is trying to stand on her own without using furniture, she crawls, dances and sings.

Her newest achievement is talking. Miss Abby sue is teaching herself sounds likes "FA, SH, SIT, BA, BO, PA, MI". She says "Fact, Papa, Dad, Mom, Bob (Bronco), Baba (bottle), I Sit (her got to words for when she wants to sit down!)" and is trying new ones everyday.

Abby is definitely my favorite daughter :)
ps new readers...she's my ONLY daughter!

Ciao for Now

xoxoxoxo Mrs Lee!

's been too long!

So I have to apologize, about my obvious neglect of my blogs! Much has been going on since July. Abby stopped sleeping at night and thus everything has been screwy around here! Much to update you on...much to write! So instead of one LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG post, I'm going to several little posts of the biggest things that have happened over the last 5 months or so!

First of all for all of you wondering about the Mrs and Mr Fit Lee Contest... I won! Yup I went from 208lb to 150lbs! (:  Mr Lee...well let's just say the little treats I left in his lunch...or on  the table could not be passed up.

I honestly was NOT trying to sabotage him, it just looked that way!

But this month (of all months!!!) Jonny has decided that he's going to start eating HEALTHY!!! hahahhahahahhahahha oh ... my ... heck..!! I'd love to see that happen! IT"S NOVEMBER BABE!! Tis the season to eat until your belt bursts!

My camera is missing it's SD card, so pictures have been very slim in the taking, and it breaks my little heart! However, I have discovered that Mr Lee's camera works just as well...not as good (but eh, I'm not complaining)!

That's it for the first update, I have tons of laundry to do... you know the easiest part of being a parent is loving your children...the hardest part is picking up after them!

Ciao for now Bella's!
Mrs Lee!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mr and Mrs Fit Lee Challenge

Mr Lee and I are in a contest this month to see who reaches their monthly goal first. :)

I LOVE doing it this way! Nothing puts fun in working out like a competitive edge!
I am pretty sure I will dominate him... I even wrote a little poem to get the ball on a roll!

Licorice is Red
Suckers are Blue
You Can't resist them
Thus, I'll beat you!

Mr Lee will also be blogging about this competition! I am pretty dang sure I have this in the bag, but then again he was sneaking push-ups in the middle of the night while I was pregnant...

We each got to pick an inspiration picture to help push us along! This one is mine! I stinkin' love my jaw line!!! I AM SO STINKIN EXCITED!!!! Wish me luck ya'll!


Mrs Fit Lee!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Everyday Life

I had a pen pal recently ask me how I liked being a homemaker. Her actual question was "How are you handling being a stay-at-home  mom?"  My first thought was "Wow that term is quite literal".  I am a stay-at-home- mom.  We have one car that Jon takes to Boise everyday for work,  I maybe get visitors once or twice a month, and have little to no adult interaction on a daily basis.

I had to be honest with myself. I am a struggling homemaker.  Everyone who knows me, knows that I am an extrovert and that being around people is almost a life source for me. My passions in life included singing, playing piano and writing. But I also loved doing service, helping children and making friends.  However, in the last two and a half years I have felt detached from all of that.

I use to be this fearless girl who could approach anyone with confidence. Now I find that going anywhere to meet anyone is a constant dread.  The ability to socialize and be myself always made things easy for me when it came to making friends. But being at home for so long has diminished that.  I can sit here and write a lovely post at what a wonderful mother I am, and that I am the center of morning walks with other moms, but I know that 's not true.

Mr Lee has noticed things getting stressful for me.  He recalled an earlier Mrs Lee, the one who would compliment a waitress on her hair or eyes and make her whole night, the early Mrs Lee who was fierce and open.  And after much prayer, we talked things through and decided that maybe it was time for him to stay home while he did school and for me to work.

So for the past three months I have been searching and applying for every and any job.  Our big fear of me working was the judgement of family who felt that I should be home with the children. I can express my frustration on this matter.  If anyone knew my heart, understood how much I love my children, they'd know that going to work would be hard on me. However, for my sanity's sake, and to save me from becoming a "shut in" (term used for someone so accustomed to staying indoors that he/she prefers little adult reaction and to be alone) we felt like working would be a good option.

I have yet to find a job. I even applied to where Jon is currently working but missed passing the assessment by one.  As I left the building the secretary (whom I had been speaking with prior) asked if I made it.  Instantly  tears filled my eyes and I shook my head no as I made my way to our van.  I could try again in 90 days, and in 90 days I will.

On my way home I kept praying to Heavenly Father, wondering why finding a job wasn't working out.  We felt that this was His will.  I know many of you are thinking other wise. Women are meant to stay home, meant to be in the house.  But I am no ordinary woman.  I have a lot to offer the world and I have many goals and dreams and I WILL make them all happen.

My mother is so loving and kind and tends to worry too much. She often talks to my younger siblings and tells them how she wishes I had listened to her all those years ago, or how she wishes Jon was done with school before we had kids so we could be living the life of my brother and his sweet wife.  But that is not the plan God has for us.  All my life I have lived through many rough trials and because of those trials I have come out stronger.  I do not regret any decision I have ever made, I do not wish I could rewind my life and recreate moments.

Working for a little while as my hunk of a hubby goes to further his education will only benefit me as a woman, wife and mother. It will be one of those choices I will not regret.  It will be a choice that changes my life for the better.  Leaving my babies is a difficult choice, it wrings my heart. But I know they have a loving father and a loving Father in Heaven who will watch over them and care for them.  I have three months to be home, maybe shorter if another opportunity arises and every moment I will be loving my family.

And to anyone who says "Woman! Do them dishes! Wash them bottles! Make that super!", don't worry about it. I will. But not until I retrieve the woman I once was.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bragging Rigths

I just have to pop on here and brag!  I work my whuss of two day ago cleaning and it was destroyed over night. But! Today I cleaned it all back up, got my babies to nap AT the same time AND! made a huge batch of monster cookies! Just sayin...I am awesome :) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A lil' bit of Confidence !

Today has been a big day for everyone!

Abigail has been intent on learning to stand. She is constantly pulling herself up on the couch, in her play pin etc. Tonight she slipped standing in the play pin and knocked her jaw on the edge.  She bit her tongue and it bled for about five minutes.  She cried for about a minutes before calming down.  When I looked into her mouth I could not, for the life of me, find where she had bit herself.  I looked on her tongue, underneath, on her cheeks and found nothing.
I am pretty sure I witnessed a miracle today. And on top of all of that Abby was back to playing and trying to stand withing moments of her accident.  It made me so happy to see that she is a fighter. The words "defeat", "fail" and "give up" do not exist in her dictionary of life!

Bronco crawled a whole two feet!! I have to admit I was freaked out that he was starting to crawl so I tickled him with my toe and he fell over.  He laughed at me and decided to roll all over the house destroying my hard work! He is probably my most distracted child. I can give Abby one toy and she is preoccupied for hours...Bronco wants to touch everything and  break anything! But he is the cutest and happiest baby in the world. Both my babes are!

And on top of that  I got a huge amount of hose work done today! I swept, mopped, wiped, scrubbed until my knees hurt and my knuckles bled! Needless to say I love my clean home!

I have so much more to write but I am beyond exhausted! So I am off to bed ya'll!

Have a great night!

xoxoxo Mrs Lee (k)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Abby taking her morning nap. :) She cuddles anything!

This is how Abby sneaks naps! She pretends to play 
and sneaks in little ten minute naps!

Bronco's Pin! Currently Abby's bed, but during the day 
it is HIS zone! 

This girl may weigh 6lbs less than Bronco,
but she can pin him every time!

Someone, loves the camera...
a little too much! 

He always bites this one finger...silly

No joke, this kid smiles like this for EVERY bite of food! 

Again, I never met someone who sleeps so heavenly!

A Little Piece of Heaven... Every Day

I have been having such a blast with my two babies! Abby is still struggling with her health, it seems when things look up they go right back down.  However, it hasn't affected her bubbly fun attitude! Bronco is learning to do every thing from his sister.  Since she rolls to get where she wants, he does too.  He does not see the point in crawling if he can just roll all around the house!

Bronco is constantly saying "DaDa".  Mr Lee expressed to me yesterday that he is feeling sad the kids said his name first.  To which I responded "Dear, it does not bother me one bit. Because I know  they say your name first so you won't feel as bad that they love ME the MOST!"

And it is true. :)

Bronco has become my little TV buddy! I stinkin' love The Cosby Show and have been watching it regular basis. Little did I know that Broncs would be such a fan! As soon as he hears that music, his eyes light up and he snuggles up to me to watch.  Laughing when I laugh, and pretending to change the channel with the toy remote when I do anything with the real remote.

Abby is starting to get really good at figuring out words.  Her latest favorite word is SNAP. Anytime we say it she laughs and the more we say it she laughs so hard she ends up out of breath and slapping her leg!

Even on the most difficult days, when Abby won't eat and Bronco is screaming, I always find a little piece of Heaven in my day. And all because of two beautiful angels the Lord has blessed me with!

Right now they are both fast asleep! So adios amigas! I am off!

xoxoxo Mrs Fit Lee

Baggin Jugs

First off I have to share with ya'll a pretty dang hilarious story! I was checking out at Walmart when a conversation started with Elva, a cashier in her 80's. This is how the convo went down:

Elva (80 some old Cashier at Walmart):Who's all this baby food for?
Me: My 18 m/o and 7 m/o.
Elva (laughing): You've had two kids and that close together?
Me: Yes, one right after the other.
Elva: Well, your body certainly doesn't show it, these babies started hanging after my first (as she wiggles her chest).
Me (slightly flattered but feeling awkward): Uh thanks, My babies are pretty entertaining.
Elva: Do you mean your babies or YOUR BABIES?
Me: Ummmmm I'm just going to bag these jugs(referring to milk jugs)...umm I My children are entertaining.
Elva laughing at me as I hurry away with my cart: Good look with your jugs!

Yes, that was probably one of THE most memorable conversations' I've had with an elderly woman!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mr. Big Bronco

I still have no camera to upload pictures due to Mr Lee!!! However I have to brag!!! Bronco had a great appointment today! At 7 months he weighs 23lbs and is 28.5 inches tall! He is in the 90% for weight and the 75% for height! :)

Abby has also gained two pounds and weighs 19lbs!  Still hasn't grown in inches since 10 months, but hopefully the test results from her apt. last week will help!!! They are both learning to crawl and are getting into EVERYTHING!!!! Nothing is safe in this apartment anymore! :) I never thought I would be so happy to have such a messy living room.

Well, Abby and Bronco are both asleep and so I am off to bed also!

xoxoxo Mrs. Lee

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slacker :)

If ya'll are wondering why I haven't posted any fitness things in awhile it is because I have been slacking. :)  Both my children are at such a fun and adventurous age right now! I get so distracted playing with them, reading to them and teaching them I hardly do much for myself!! I do a little bit of exercising when I get the chance, but I'm pretty much content hanging with the two cutest babes ever!!!

Anywhodado, speaking of those darling babes they are getting out of bed by being adorable! And it's working! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

missing my camera!

Jon took my camera to a Jimmy Eat World concert during the week and left it in his brother's truck!  So, I have been stuck helpless as I watch my lil' ones be darling as ever with no way to capture it!!!!

UG!!! For Christmas/Birthday I am demanding my OWN camera!!!! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

I have been doing a lot of thinking these last couple of weeks... I's a dangerous thing for me to be doing. I shouldn't work my brain so hard :) 

Abigail's big appointment is just around the corner.  They're going to be poking and prodding her, drawing several vials of blood and strapping her arms, legs, waist and head down to a table. 
I keep telling myself that she has to have this done so we can help her but it doesn't make the feeling of helplessness go away.  Her MRI last year was very hard.  Because I was pregnant I could not  go into the room and Jon stayed with me. It was probably one of the longest hours I have had to endure. 

There is a slue of disabilities she may have, some bad some not so bad. But all time consuming on us and rough on her. Some people understand her disability to an extent and know she will struggle. Others are often too optimistic and seem blinded to her small stature and never ending struggle to get her to eat and sleep.  

The reason Abby has a hard time turning food into power is because her Pituitary Gland is missing. This gland is what is responsible for distributing growth hormones the body needs to develop and the brain needs to function. Abigail's motor skills are quite normal actually.  Her walking and crawling are stunted by lack of confidence due to no sight.  But the frontal lobe of the brain, the part that is separated and affected by Septo Optic Dysplasia (SOD) will affect her ability to learn and grow academically. 

At this appointment the Endocrinologist will be able to determine what type of growth hormone Abby will need and will hopefully help us to know what kind of diet she'll eat. 

The more mothers I talk to who have children with Abby's condition tell me how happy their children are, but also inform me on how hard it is to raise them.  They say they cannot fathom having more children because of how busy they are. The mothers that have older children and their youngest affected say it's not so hard. But the moms whose first baby was born with SOD/ONH and have had other babies tell me it's difficult. Because your oldest child, the one who's suppose to be the most independent, is completely dependent on you, and the younger ones are completely dependent as well. Having only two children I have not seen the blunt of this. 

But as I think of my family and think about having children in the future I wonder if I am trying to take on too much. Jon and I want to do foster care and adopt children, but I would like to have one more baby who is close in age to Bronco and Abigail. The feeling that we have one more family member waiting is pressing on my mind.  I keep having dreams and feelings and emotions that soon we'll be a family of five.  I don't know how this will happen since Jon and I are taking desperate measures to make sure this doesn't happen.  With him not done with school, and us barely scraping by it doesn't make sense to be having another baby. But why is my heart fighting my logic so intensely. I'm for sure not in shape for another pregnancy.

I guess we'll have to see what happens. :)  All I know is that we have a dream of adopting and doing foster care. A dream where we can change lives like mine was changed seven years ago, by the love and compassion of two people who are now my parents. 

We ask that everyone pray for Abby this month.  We need everything to go as well as possible May 25th! :) Thanks for stoppin' by and reading my gibber jabber! Love you all!

xoxoxo (MUAH!)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Feelin' Good Today!

I have been so tired lately.  Being a mother and a wife is more than a full time job, it is lifetime of round the clock, eternal dedication and love.  Everyday Jonathan and I watch Abigail struggle but we also watch her triumph. We have the joy of seeing our children play together and Bronco keep careful vigil over Abby.

Jon works incredibly hard at Jobs he doesn't always enjoy.  He goes to work smiling and comes home positive and upbeat. I am more than excited for Father's day to get here so I can honor him!

I have my good days and bad days. I have bad days where the babies won't nap, the housework doesn't get done, and Mr Lee comes home to a wife in tears, hair frazzled and ready to be tucked in for a long nap. On my good days my darlings nap, play well, laundry gets done, and Jon comes home to a wife happy with her hair pulled nicely back and a smile irresistible to kisses.

I learn so much on both the good and bad days.  I have learned that it takes a special spirit, a special touch and a special voice to do the job we women are heavenly charged with.  I try my best to be the mother I always wanted. To be the wife my mother, Shari is to my father.  I don't have to be a superstar to be a supermom, I just have to be me. And by being myself, I will be teaching my children to be true to themselves.   I am the best I can be, because I am me. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday! :)

My day started at 4:30 am this morning! My lil' Abby was up and ready to giggle and play! She is down for her morning nap now and so is my little stud Bronco! I have had a wonderful breakfast, I was able to make Mr Lee's lunch, kiss him at the door and enjoy a few minutes of quiet time before my babies woke up.

Abby is learning to walk, but she prefers to walk BACKWARDS! It is the cutest thing! Bronco watches EVERYTHING she does and tries to do it... I hope he learns mine and Jon's walking skills though.

Bronco tries so hard to crawl, but he is so chunky he can't move, so he just flails his arms and legs... it's absolutely darling!

Mr Lee is working so hard to take care of us and is loving his new job! Our prayer is that he does so well, that he moves up fast and can get his education through them and get going on his dream job!

I am a busy bee writing children's books! I am going to be signing on with a publisher in the future... but I am keeping secret what publisher is publishing my work! The books I am getting published are a series of books: Ryker and Daddy's Saturday Adventures and Abby and Jett: Detective Duo.

Ryker and Daddy's Saturday Adventures are about a little boy and his father. The books center around the influence a father has on his children and the importance his role plays in his child's life.
They are a humor series that teaches morals and values through the wisdom of fathers. I got this idea from watching my brother Karlin over the years. His children look up to him and admire him.  And through his sense of humor and love for all things adventure he teaches his children to live, love and learn.

Abby and Jett: Detective Duo is about two friends who use their talents to solve mysteries. Abby is blind and uses her super sonic senses to feel, hear and smell evidence and Jett (not blind) puts the evidence together and uses his eyes and camera to take pictures of the evidence. At the end they take all the sensory evidence and use Abby's senses and Jett's photography skills to solve the mystery. An example of a mystery they would try to solve would be silly things like finding missing shoes, mismatched socks and decoding surprises from their mom's and dad's. The character's in this book are based off of my daughter and her mad skills to find anything and everything using everything BUT her eyes, and my nephew Jett who's mother is an amazing photographer . I know her husband (my brother) is going to pass down his fun and playful spirit to Jett. Which makes him perfect for my book!

By Christmas or January these books should be in production! :) So cross your fingers I can keep writing like mad!

Well, that is all the updates I have for now! I have a baby waking from his nap!

(K) MUAH! xoxoxo

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh My Stinkin' Goodness!

So tonight we had my bestie and her hubby over for a game night. It was going fantanstic! Bronco played with Shelby the entire time and loves her to death! Well, let me tell ya what! That kid is a lil' traitor! I went to take him from Shelby to get him ready for bed and he screamed! He looked at me like I was a stranger and cried and cried! The instant I gave him back to her he stopped crying, I took him again and he flipped out and cried more! He'd only let me hold him and dress him if he could see her.  As she left he'd look at her and then at me and grunt wanting to go home with Shelby and David.  *sigh* I thought I was loved! 

Aside from that tragic moment, the night went well, lots of laughs were shared and it was good wholesome fun! Abby was excited people were over and showed off like mad! She was singing, dancing, talking about "Dada" and barking. She pulled all of her tricks out and they went over quite well! 

Jon had some "man cave" time with David and played video games while Shelby and I chatted about her new life as a wife.  I keep thinking how weird it is that my best friend is married! I know now how she felt and what she thought after I had been married. 

I found an old roll of film and after developing it laughed at all the silly pictures from high school. Shelby and I were very different back then. Our life goals, ambitions and dreams have changed and now we are starting new adventures and creating new dreams.  It is a fun journey going down memory lane, but I am glad I have my two children and Mr Lee.  The present and future are what I think about now and I know that the both have great things in store! :)  Tomorrow night we are having my in-laws over! I know it'll be just as fun having them too! 

Anywhodado! I should go and finish getting Abby to sleep. She is quite the procrastinator! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A lil' bit' o' lovin'!

This morning Abby woke up saying Mama! I went into her room and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cuddled up close.  She chit-chatted for about ten minutes and then pushed herself off saying Dada. I can't get her to say my name again (she's so selective when she says it) but it was really exciting for her to wake up asking for me :) I love my babies and how much they love me!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Morning Wednesday!

I am excited about today for a few reasons :)
Reason one - It's the middle of  the week which means two more days until the weekend!
Reason two - I have a big surprise for Mr Lee!
Reason three - AMERICAN IDOL! I love AI and it never gets old for me! Watching people's dreams come true is so fun and inspiring!

As I am trying to type this I have Bronco sitting next me and trying to hold me hand. That's his new move. :) He reaches out for my hand and then sits there holding it while he talks to me. So sweet <3

Abby has learned how to shake hands. She is so darling! She reaches out and shakes our hands. We say "Well, hello! Nice to meet you again Abby!". I love my children oh so much!

I should get going Bronco is trying so hard to hold my hand and they are both typing... needless to say he's not a happy camper! I'll write more when Hubby gets home!

Ciao! (K) MUAH!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dinasour Trains, Magic Books, and Cat in the Hat

I recall a day when I could exercise first thing in the morning, make a fruit smoothie and sip it as I watch the morning news.  But my children now dictate what plays on my TV screen.  From 9:00 am until 12:00pm they have their various shows they love to watch/hear.  It's nice because I get some me time and some house work done.

Bronco talks and talks to the characters and Abigail dances with the music.  It is so cute to watch them play. :) They have really grown together and love playing with each other!

Abigail has started going to bed at NIGHT on a regular basis! We just have to make sure she only gets one nap a day and it only lasts two hours! Which is fine by me! I love playing with my babies!

Make sure you check out my new Cook Blog! It's a web version of my cook book! Enjoy! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oh Saturday!!!

Well it's the weekend folks! I'm sure you're already aware of that :) Mr Lee has the weekend off for now. In may he switches his schedule to Mon, Wed, Fri-Sun. It'll be sad having him gone on the weekends. I'm not sure it might be nice for awhile, since he's been home for so long.

Bronco and Abby are in the race to see who is crawling first.  I betting on Abigail. She just needs a confidence boost. Every day I stand her up on her feet, hold her hands, and exclaim out how tall and big and beautiful she is! Bronco has plenty of confidence. His favorite thing to do is lift up his shirt exposing is belly. He gets this big grin that says "Oh ya, it's all me babe". Oh my kids!

I've been overly hungry lately and it is making it hard for me to keep on my healthy habits. So I bought some Special K Protein Shakes (chocolate of course) any way these things are  SUPER delicious and  I can't get enough of them! After breakfast, if a couple hours later I am starving, instead of making a whole other meal, I just drink one of those bad boys! And it curbs my hunger until lunch. :) I also have the Special K Fruit Crisps with it. 

Hopefully I can keep this up over the weekend.  I love to cook. And I do everything from scratch. 
Mr Lee loves my cooking but he HATES the clean up.  Tonight I am making Apple Pork!
Pork cooked in a skillet wrapped in bacon, with sauted apples, sweet onions, 
green and orange peppers, a colorful medley of baby potatoes and for dessert...
a home made, from scratch! Triple layer chocolate cake!

I found my camera and will be posting some pictures of my babies, husband and tonights dinner!
Thanks for stopping by and check back late tonight for a glimpse of awesomeness! 


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday Madness!

Mr Lee started work this Monday!!! It is so exciting for him and for us! He loves his new job. Even though it's a call center (and not a place most people aspire to work) he is enthralled with all he is learning.  And his new venture with work has sparked an interest in a career in marketing.  This is all wonderful and brings us one step closer to getting back on our feet!

Bugaboo was playing on the floor yesterday and got up on her hands and knees.  I wasn't sure what she was doing. Normally she does this to sit up but she stayed there. And much to my amazement she crawled!!! A whole 2 feet before falling!!! The fall scared her and she hasn't made an attempt since, but it was a great feat for her! I fear I accidentally gave my camera to DI so there is no picture of this magical moment.  

I don't know if she can sense that Bronco is already trying to crawl and holding himself up on furniture.  If she's anything like me, there is NO WAY she is letting him beat her to the punch!

Both babies are bound and determined not to take their afternoon naps right now.  Abby sits up and calls for "DaDa" and when I lay her back down she grumpily says "mama" (while growling). *sigh* one day!

I have been doing great with my working out and eating right! This morning I had Light n Fit over fresh mango, strawberries, papaya and honey dew! It wad DELISH!!!

Abby is back on schedule now! It's only a matter of keeping there and keeping on a routine. My goal is to have a date night with Mr. Lee without ruining Bugaboo's sleep schedule!

I feel we are so lucky to have her back on track. Our hard work really paid off. :) 

Well I'm out of here folks! I got some cleaning to do and a nap to take! (K) MUAH!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a Weekend!

Hey ya'll!  So today's been pretty swell so far! My babies are both asleep right now! Abby went to bed at 5:00 pm today! So just five more nights until we can start up her routine again!

Little Buddy (Bronco) has a head cold. His poor little eyes are all swollen and goopy and his lil' nose is stuffed.

But he is just a happy and fun as any other day! This weekend was pretty relaxing.  I can't really think of what we did.  We stayed up with the  babies and slept when we could.  Overall it was good.

Right Mr Lee is asleep on the couch next to me as he "watches" the CMA Awards with me!

Speaking of  CMA Awards I hope ya'll voted for Miranda Lambert! If not you'll have to answer to me! ;)

Tomorrow is looking to be the start of a long week for this lil' mama. Jonny starts his new work bright and early at 5:30am.  So he'll be in bed by 10:00 tonight and I'll be all night with Abby until he gets home around 3:00pm and then I'll go to bed until he wakes me up before he has to go to bed.  I'm not going to like not seeing much of him, but we're lucky to have work!

My fit fun fantastic adventure is looking up! I had fresh fruits, yogurt, milk, water and juice for snacks and with breakfast! I also had Special K Fruit Crisps (these are the best! low calorie treat ever!) Also if you are looking for a delicious way to eat healthy you should try the Special K Challenge. I am doing it along with my exercise and I have so much energy eating the suggested foods and drinks!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Want to Hold your Hand!

I chose this title for my over all blog because it pretty much describes me and Mr Lee!  
I remember when I was about to get married my sister Cait 
informed me that after you get married the making out, hand holding and constant butterflies come to a halt... only because you could do SOMETHING else and it kind of took over. 

WELL! I told this to Jonny and he promised me that, that would never! ever! 
be the case with us! 
2 1/2 years later this still rings true!
I still have butterflies in my tummy when he reaches for my hand!
(Which he does anytime we are going anywhere!)
I am pretty sure we are the only couple who kisses each other
as we are leaving SOMEONE else's home.

Loving one another NEVER gets old. And everyday
we find new ways to show that love! 
If it weren't for our two little lovelies people would 
assume we are newly weds! 
I love being so in LOVE !

I love this crazy, tragic, Sometimes almost magic, Awful, beautful life!

Well folks it is Saturday and I am up before the rooster crows! I am still undecided as to whether or not I am enjoying being up or if I want to be sound asleep snuggling with Mr Lee... hmmm I chose snuggling!

BUT! I am up with Abigail.  She took a midnight nap around 3:00am and up @ 5:00am!


I have a few things to share with you from my week.  I thought I would do a short recap of my week's highs and lows. :)


  • Low- My kids slept all day and I missed playing with them. :{
  • High - Mr Lee quietly led me into my bedroom and with relaxing Zen music gave me a back & foot massage!
  • High - After my debut at the Jon Spa he tucked me into bed for a nap that lasted a good portion of the day!
  • High - When I woke up he had cleaned the WHOLE house and it was OH so Pretty!
  • High - We took a play day and relaxed all day enjoying our B E A UTIFUL babies!
  • High - We went to Mom Cindy's to a pizza party and to visit Gama Harris from Georgia! 
  • ? - Abby learned how to bark... and freakishly quite well!
  • Low - I almost got in a wreck because some jerk face lady tried to cut me off two seconds away from the stop light. I passed her... made eye contact and ... stuck my tongue out at her!
  • Low - Got very little sleep
  • High - We were given a COSTCO membership! I had to bite my tounge when I flashed my card to the door lady... I wanted to say "FBI Mam, I'm here investigate the contents of the store and purchase evidence that proves COSTCO ROCKS!" 
  • High - The day went by slowly and breezy!
  • High - Watched Tangled and watched some in the setting for the blind! It was AWESOME!
  • High - Abby really liked Tangled! 
  • High - Bought tons of healthy, great tasting food for me and Mr Lee!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm sooooooo LOVIN' April 1st!

So last night I was up all night long with Abigail. 
I tried to sleep here and there but it was a DISASTER!!! Only because I just wanted to play with her and cuddle her. :) I got to sleep from 6:30 am until 8:30 am. Even though I only had two hours I feel so INVIGORATED! 

She is absolutely my FAVE daughter! I am trying to teach her how to say:

Abby is determined never to say my name. She will growl, hum, squeal, bark even rather than say mama. It doesn't really bother me because one day she'll have payback! I will teach my granddaughter to say Nana before she EVER says MAMA! That is my secret plan which is now not so secret anymore. :)

April 1st marks the first day of my official "Adventures of a Fit, Fun, FANTASTIC mama!" series and  Mr Lee, being the heartsweet (story about heartsweet to be posted on his blog shortly!) he is brought home breakfast from his early morning runs. Breakfast? Doughnuts... bite size powered and frosted DOUGHNUTS! I broke his heart when I told him today was THE day of my new self.  Poor fellow bout' lost it. ;). I am so STINKIN excited about this I am pretty sure I shed a few pounds just from jumping up and down in my mind! 

I do not believe in tracking my weight.  Yes I have a HEALTHY weight goal I would eventually like to obtain. But like they say:
 "All good things come to those who wait!".  
I am going to be focusing more on food choices, exercise and fitting into my favorite outfits! Like my T that says I <3 my Hubby, or my pok-a-dot swimsuit, or my favorite bedroom piece... yes I just said that! A great wife and mother is made from confidence, great self esteem and of course her sense of humor! 

Anywhodado, feel free to read, laugh or cry whatever you're in the mood for when reading my posts! I will be blogging every day! Also, don't worry about all the ! in my blog posts! I know my grammar but I am naturally a loud and outrageous person! So think of it as getting a lil' piece of Mrs. Fit Lee in your life! Every time you use and ! think of me and my OH SO B E A utiful self! 

Well, ththththt thththth thats' all folks! (K) MUAH! (a big fat blogger kiss!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh Abby! Oh Bronco!

So I have been needing to update everyone on Abigail and how she's doing.  She's 16months old and quite the little toddler.  She has been struggling with her sleeping and about a month ago got really sick.  She wouldn't eat or drink and sleep was something no one was getting (except for Bronco).  We went two weeks barely getting a smile out of of our Bugaboo.  We took several trips into the ER to find out she ONLY had a cold.  Well a cold for Abby means she won't eat, sleep and loses weight.

She quickly went from 20lbs to 16 lbs. Once she got on the mend it was still hard for her to eat.  However we got her weight back up to 18lbs (Bronco weighs 18 1/2lbs!) Abby got off schedule again and in just the few days she's been up all night has lost another pound and is back down to 17lb. After her last episode it is hard to get her to eat all meals.  She'll have one bowl of cereal or a few crackers and refuse to eat after that. And we have to feed her formula. This is why it's so important we get her and keep her on a schedule because it affects her more than seeing babies.

She is quite the talker and "DaDa", "Sissy" and Gibberish is pretty much all she says.  She'll be a teenager before she says mom. :) On the lighter end I am the only person she gives hugs and kisses to.  She'll stick her hand out and push away anyone else who tries! I love that she does that on purpose. She knows where her loyalties lie!

She recently discovered she can get on her hands and knees and is trying to figure out how to crawl.  She is a professional butt scooter and roller but I think she is ready for new adventures. She has some muscle atrophy in her legs and we try  to get her standing a few minutes a day. She looks so cute! She  tries to move her upper body without having to move her feet and looks like a lil' Leaning Tower of Abby.

She loves to sing and hum.  Her favorite things to do include; listening to Glee and dancing to the music, playing the piano and singing (she writes her own music), playing with her Leap Frog Bongo Drum! It is amazing to watch her play along with the music and hit on beat!

Bronco is getting HUGE! He is gaining about a pound a week and at five months old weighs 18 1/2 lbs! Bronco loves his big sister (even though he looks like he could swallow her whole!). He watches her every move and tries to copy her.  Abby is super flexible and can bend her legs and body every which way she wants.  Bronco is amazed when he see her grab her feet and pull her legs behind her head and tap them on the floor.  He observes her momentarily then tries it himself.  His big belly and the mounds of rolls on his legs prevents him from getting anywhere. Yet he continues to try until he gets a toe and then he drops it and moves on satisfied he got that far.

 When he wakes up from his nap Abby gets the biggest smile of all. He really admires her and is very close.  If Abby is crying or not feeling well Bronco looks at her so concerned and then he looks at us as if to ask us to help her. It is quite endearing. He is trying to crawl too.  He doesn't get too far because his tummy is too big. When he attempts to crawl his chubby little arms and legs are waving and kicking and pushing but his fat stomach acts as an anchor and he can only scoot a few feet.  Bronco is quite the professonal stander upper!
He loves to stand up and hold onto the couch or whatever he can get a good grip on.  This boy is going to be running around the house in no time at all!

I have been blessed with two ADORABLE babies and a caring husband who looks after those babes.  Even now, as I am stretched out on the couch, Abby is cuddle up to me with her head on my stomach humming along with the music (Beyonce - I am Sasha Fierce... song Ave Maria) and rubbing my arms. If only she were just waking up right now and not going to bed in two hours. haha :)

Well, I am going to lay her in her room and see what happens! Maybe I can catch a few more zzzz's! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just a note

I just wanted to let ya'll know that I am NOT unhappy with my life.  I love my children dearly, I could not have asked for a better husband and I know that being with them is worth all the hardship.  I am merely frustrated with the fact that we have been stuck in the same situation for almost three years now.

I applied for a job today. It pays $15.00/h with benefits. Their main criteria was a fun, outgoing person to assist customers and answer the phone lines when the  original medical receptionists are swamped.  It's 32 hours a week and is a perfect environment for me to work in. Jon's job starts in April, but it pays just enough to pay rent and bills.  The hours are frustrating and he has to work Sundays no questions asked. So this job I applied for today is definitely, without question, a better option for our growing family.

I am sorry I unloaded on everyone today.  I don't like to appear so vulnerable but even the most capable people have their moments.  Thanks for listening! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


 I have had a lot of unhappiness in my life and I have not complained.  I persevered through years of horrific abuse and living circumstances. I triumphed over a broken heart and defeated the odds.  I got married and we are doing what a lot of people didn't believe we could. And on top of all that ( and every thing else I have omitted) my daughter was born blind.  And I have my off days and my good days.

My off days consist of a lot of crying, dazed stares and frustration.  I get angry at God for all my misfortunes and most of all hate Him for not saving Abby's sight.  My good days consist of me telling myself over and over that God has a plan for my family and it will soon unfold.  I smile and am patient that God will one day restore Abby's sight.  But my good days are becoming few and fewer.  When will the never ending circle of hurt, frustration and us never getting anywhere end?

I see all my brothers and sisters flourishing, in their careers, in their homes and living without the fear. Fear of never knowing if one month you'll have enough money to make rent or getting another phone call that says you're going to be evicted if your rent isn't in. I am not bitter for them I am happy for them.  I rejoice for them.  I am just past the point of waiting on God to help.

I fear I am losing my faith. And no matter how hard we try to do what it is He commands us too, it seems we are only holding up our end of the deal. Dear Lord, please swoop down from Your mighty Heavens and save this tired daughter of yours before I throw in the towel and try flying solo.

(sorry this was so depressing! I just figure I am entitled to a little complaining once in a great while). 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm Like Butter! I'm on a Roll! ( a not so good roll)

I am one of those people who probably should have sticky notes plastered ALL over my house, my face and whatever else I might need. Here are several reasons why but will only share three tonight. I call this one NOTE TO SELF :)

Note To Self:

1) Eyeliner is NOT Lip Liner!
      - One Sunday morning, after a long night of up and downs with Abby, I barely made it out of bed to get ready for church.  Hubby and the kids were sound asleep and I needed to be dressed and reved to go before I got them up and ready (yes I had to dress and feed all THREE babies). :-)  My hair was done, I was dressed and putting on my makeup.  I was all done and I couldn't understand why I looked soooo weird! Well I had bright red lip liner on my eyes and pitch black eyeliner on my lips! Needless to say I washed it off before Jon woke up so he couldn't tease me. And now that he knows about it (two months later) I am sure I will never live this one down!

2) Desitin is NOT Tooth paste!
      - I had left a tube of Desitin in the bathroom from Abby's bath the night before. Then next morning when I brushed my teeth I couldn't figure out why my toothpaste was incredibly bland... It's a good thing I had just started and was able to correct my mistake as I noticed the butt cream next to my paste.

3)  DO NOT turn on the washing machine prior to taking a shower!
     - I started a large load of laundry and a few minutes later hopped in the shower. It should never feel like Christmas in your shower... never. Oh and to make matters worse I told Jon he needed to take a shower and suffer what I had suffered. But by then the water had turned back to a Florida warm springs. Ug

HAHAHA! That's so Funny!

Okay, so I figure that I am too serious of a person and need to lighten up. I say this because a friend recently told me every post write makes her cry.  Yes sometimes they are happy tears, sad tears and so on, however I don't like the thought of me being this person that makes people cry.  My husband informed me last night that I am the funniest person he has ever met.  So I decided I am going to do stand up comedy....

Seriously, I SO hope you did not believe that! I would die up there on stage. But, I am going to lighten the moods of my post and vary the type of atmosphere they create.  I am also going to focus on motherhood; the up and downs, funny and frustrating moments.  If you like my emotional, inspiring side don't worry I still will post the big moments that turn my heart and yours. :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Me World!

Okay, so today I was suppose to have a friend over for a play date. But then I needed to go with Jon to the local DMV to get new DL's so we both can drive legally, because apparently it's illegal to drive without one. I know annoying right?

 We didn't get back until like 5:00 pm and then both kids wanted to eat and sleep.  After they were taking unavoidable late naps we had dinner and before I knew it it was time for American Idol. I enjoyed most of it but then my hubby and I got into a little spat and from then on out I couldn't really enjoy it. He decided he was really grumpy and needed a late nap too. So for awhile it was just me... okay for a while I mean like five minutes because I had to wake up Abigail and Bronco so they wouldn't stay up incredibly late tonight.

After which Bronco decided he was hungry and was doing everything he could to make me hurry as fast as possible to GET HIS BOTTLE made!I made his bottle and in two minutes it was gone and Abby and him played contently on the floor.

Jon woke up and we made up. It's no fun fighting... I'm still kind of mad because I didn't get to enjoy American Idol! ;) HOWEVER!!! My dear Casey Abrhams went through!

On top of all that I lost my phone when we got home and I just found it and discovered I had like four missed calls. Bummer.  I never keep track of anything.  I can always find myself if I look in the mirror but that's about it.

On the flip side the kids are getting fatter! Bronco doesn't really need to keep growing but I hear the chunkier the better! Abby though, really needs to put back on the weight.  Her cheeks are getting chubby again and she's getting some rolls on her arms.  Next stop is her belly!!

Also, right now Jon is sitting with Abs on the floor telling her over and over again how gorgeous she is and she just smiles wide. Now he's trying to get her to say "mama"... every time he says my name she growls, or making tooting noise with her lips.  I can't be jealous she calls Jon dada because I get all the kisses!
Yup! That's right she only gives me kisses and no one else! :)

Well, I just felt like blabbering a little bit.  When you're a mother of two little ones, with no social life you forget what it's like to have a conversation.  Once my visiting teacher came to visit me (of course) I talked and talked and she barely got a word in edge wise.  I was even trying to converse when she was going out the door. Jon finally shut the door because if I had my way I would have followed her to her apartment. haha Probably not that extreme but you catch my drift.

OH boy! I'm doing right now! Well, I'm officially saying goodbye!

ps Jon got a job that starts April 4th! Happy St Patricks Day!

We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!