So last night I was up all night long with Abigail.
I tried to sleep here and there but it was a DISASTER!!! Only because I just wanted to play with her and cuddle her. :) I got to sleep from 6:30 am until 8:30 am. Even though I only had two hours I feel so INVIGORATED!
She is absolutely my FAVE daughter! I am trying to teach her how to say:
Abby is determined never to say my name. She will growl, hum, squeal, bark even rather than say mama. It doesn't really bother me because one day she'll have payback! I will teach my granddaughter to say Nana before she EVER says MAMA! That is my secret plan which is now not so secret anymore. :)
April 1st marks the first day of my official "Adventures of a Fit, Fun, FANTASTIC mama!" series and Mr Lee, being the heartsweet (story about heartsweet to be posted on his blog shortly!) he is brought home breakfast from his early morning runs. Breakfast? Doughnuts... bite size powered and frosted DOUGHNUTS! I broke his heart when I told him today was THE day of my new self. Poor fellow bout' lost it. ;). I am so STINKIN excited about this I am pretty sure I shed a few pounds just from jumping up and down in my mind!
I do not believe in tracking my weight. Yes I have a HEALTHY weight goal I would eventually like to obtain. But like they say:
"All good things come to those who wait!".
I am going to be focusing more on food choices, exercise and fitting into my favorite outfits! Like my T that says I <3 my Hubby, or my pok-a-dot swimsuit, or my favorite bedroom piece... yes I just said that! A great wife and mother is made from confidence, great self esteem and of course her sense of humor!
Anywhodado, feel free to read, laugh or cry whatever you're in the mood for when reading my posts! I will be blogging every day! Also, don't worry about all the ! in my blog posts! I know my grammar but I am naturally a loud and outrageous person! So think of it as getting a lil' piece of Mrs. Fit Lee in your life! Every time you use and ! think of me and my OH SO B E A utiful self!
Well, ththththt thththth thats' all folks! (K) MUAH! (a big fat blogger kiss!)
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