Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baggin Jugs

First off I have to share with ya'll a pretty dang hilarious story! I was checking out at Walmart when a conversation started with Elva, a cashier in her 80's. This is how the convo went down:

Elva (80 some old Cashier at Walmart):Who's all this baby food for?
Me: My 18 m/o and 7 m/o.
Elva (laughing): You've had two kids and that close together?
Me: Yes, one right after the other.
Elva: Well, your body certainly doesn't show it, these babies started hanging after my first (as she wiggles her chest).
Me (slightly flattered but feeling awkward): Uh thanks, My babies are pretty entertaining.
Elva: Do you mean your babies or YOUR BABIES?
Me: Ummmmm I'm just going to bag these jugs(referring to milk jugs)...umm I My children are entertaining.
Elva laughing at me as I hurry away with my cart: Good look with your jugs!

Yes, that was probably one of THE most memorable conversations' I've had with an elderly woman!

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We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!