Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh Abby! Oh Bronco!

So I have been needing to update everyone on Abigail and how she's doing.  She's 16months old and quite the little toddler.  She has been struggling with her sleeping and about a month ago got really sick.  She wouldn't eat or drink and sleep was something no one was getting (except for Bronco).  We went two weeks barely getting a smile out of of our Bugaboo.  We took several trips into the ER to find out she ONLY had a cold.  Well a cold for Abby means she won't eat, sleep and loses weight.

She quickly went from 20lbs to 16 lbs. Once she got on the mend it was still hard for her to eat.  However we got her weight back up to 18lbs (Bronco weighs 18 1/2lbs!) Abby got off schedule again and in just the few days she's been up all night has lost another pound and is back down to 17lb. After her last episode it is hard to get her to eat all meals.  She'll have one bowl of cereal or a few crackers and refuse to eat after that. And we have to feed her formula. This is why it's so important we get her and keep her on a schedule because it affects her more than seeing babies.

She is quite the talker and "DaDa", "Sissy" and Gibberish is pretty much all she says.  She'll be a teenager before she says mom. :) On the lighter end I am the only person she gives hugs and kisses to.  She'll stick her hand out and push away anyone else who tries! I love that she does that on purpose. She knows where her loyalties lie!

She recently discovered she can get on her hands and knees and is trying to figure out how to crawl.  She is a professional butt scooter and roller but I think she is ready for new adventures. She has some muscle atrophy in her legs and we try  to get her standing a few minutes a day. She looks so cute! She  tries to move her upper body without having to move her feet and looks like a lil' Leaning Tower of Abby.

She loves to sing and hum.  Her favorite things to do include; listening to Glee and dancing to the music, playing the piano and singing (she writes her own music), playing with her Leap Frog Bongo Drum! It is amazing to watch her play along with the music and hit on beat!

Bronco is getting HUGE! He is gaining about a pound a week and at five months old weighs 18 1/2 lbs! Bronco loves his big sister (even though he looks like he could swallow her whole!). He watches her every move and tries to copy her.  Abby is super flexible and can bend her legs and body every which way she wants.  Bronco is amazed when he see her grab her feet and pull her legs behind her head and tap them on the floor.  He observes her momentarily then tries it himself.  His big belly and the mounds of rolls on his legs prevents him from getting anywhere. Yet he continues to try until he gets a toe and then he drops it and moves on satisfied he got that far.

 When he wakes up from his nap Abby gets the biggest smile of all. He really admires her and is very close.  If Abby is crying or not feeling well Bronco looks at her so concerned and then he looks at us as if to ask us to help her. It is quite endearing. He is trying to crawl too.  He doesn't get too far because his tummy is too big. When he attempts to crawl his chubby little arms and legs are waving and kicking and pushing but his fat stomach acts as an anchor and he can only scoot a few feet.  Bronco is quite the professonal stander upper!
He loves to stand up and hold onto the couch or whatever he can get a good grip on.  This boy is going to be running around the house in no time at all!

I have been blessed with two ADORABLE babies and a caring husband who looks after those babes.  Even now, as I am stretched out on the couch, Abby is cuddle up to me with her head on my stomach humming along with the music (Beyonce - I am Sasha Fierce... song Ave Maria) and rubbing my arms. If only she were just waking up right now and not going to bed in two hours. haha :)

Well, I am going to lay her in her room and see what happens! Maybe I can catch a few more zzzz's! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just a note

I just wanted to let ya'll know that I am NOT unhappy with my life.  I love my children dearly, I could not have asked for a better husband and I know that being with them is worth all the hardship.  I am merely frustrated with the fact that we have been stuck in the same situation for almost three years now.

I applied for a job today. It pays $15.00/h with benefits. Their main criteria was a fun, outgoing person to assist customers and answer the phone lines when the  original medical receptionists are swamped.  It's 32 hours a week and is a perfect environment for me to work in. Jon's job starts in April, but it pays just enough to pay rent and bills.  The hours are frustrating and he has to work Sundays no questions asked. So this job I applied for today is definitely, without question, a better option for our growing family.

I am sorry I unloaded on everyone today.  I don't like to appear so vulnerable but even the most capable people have their moments.  Thanks for listening! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


 I have had a lot of unhappiness in my life and I have not complained.  I persevered through years of horrific abuse and living circumstances. I triumphed over a broken heart and defeated the odds.  I got married and we are doing what a lot of people didn't believe we could. And on top of all that ( and every thing else I have omitted) my daughter was born blind.  And I have my off days and my good days.

My off days consist of a lot of crying, dazed stares and frustration.  I get angry at God for all my misfortunes and most of all hate Him for not saving Abby's sight.  My good days consist of me telling myself over and over that God has a plan for my family and it will soon unfold.  I smile and am patient that God will one day restore Abby's sight.  But my good days are becoming few and fewer.  When will the never ending circle of hurt, frustration and us never getting anywhere end?

I see all my brothers and sisters flourishing, in their careers, in their homes and living without the fear. Fear of never knowing if one month you'll have enough money to make rent or getting another phone call that says you're going to be evicted if your rent isn't in. I am not bitter for them I am happy for them.  I rejoice for them.  I am just past the point of waiting on God to help.

I fear I am losing my faith. And no matter how hard we try to do what it is He commands us too, it seems we are only holding up our end of the deal. Dear Lord, please swoop down from Your mighty Heavens and save this tired daughter of yours before I throw in the towel and try flying solo.

(sorry this was so depressing! I just figure I am entitled to a little complaining once in a great while). 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm Like Butter! I'm on a Roll! ( a not so good roll)

I am one of those people who probably should have sticky notes plastered ALL over my house, my face and whatever else I might need. Here are several reasons why but will only share three tonight. I call this one NOTE TO SELF :)

Note To Self:

1) Eyeliner is NOT Lip Liner!
      - One Sunday morning, after a long night of up and downs with Abby, I barely made it out of bed to get ready for church.  Hubby and the kids were sound asleep and I needed to be dressed and reved to go before I got them up and ready (yes I had to dress and feed all THREE babies). :-)  My hair was done, I was dressed and putting on my makeup.  I was all done and I couldn't understand why I looked soooo weird! Well I had bright red lip liner on my eyes and pitch black eyeliner on my lips! Needless to say I washed it off before Jon woke up so he couldn't tease me. And now that he knows about it (two months later) I am sure I will never live this one down!

2) Desitin is NOT Tooth paste!
      - I had left a tube of Desitin in the bathroom from Abby's bath the night before. Then next morning when I brushed my teeth I couldn't figure out why my toothpaste was incredibly bland... It's a good thing I had just started and was able to correct my mistake as I noticed the butt cream next to my paste.

3)  DO NOT turn on the washing machine prior to taking a shower!
     - I started a large load of laundry and a few minutes later hopped in the shower. It should never feel like Christmas in your shower... never. Oh and to make matters worse I told Jon he needed to take a shower and suffer what I had suffered. But by then the water had turned back to a Florida warm springs. Ug

HAHAHA! That's so Funny!

Okay, so I figure that I am too serious of a person and need to lighten up. I say this because a friend recently told me every post write makes her cry.  Yes sometimes they are happy tears, sad tears and so on, however I don't like the thought of me being this person that makes people cry.  My husband informed me last night that I am the funniest person he has ever met.  So I decided I am going to do stand up comedy....

Seriously, I SO hope you did not believe that! I would die up there on stage. But, I am going to lighten the moods of my post and vary the type of atmosphere they create.  I am also going to focus on motherhood; the up and downs, funny and frustrating moments.  If you like my emotional, inspiring side don't worry I still will post the big moments that turn my heart and yours. :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Me World!

Okay, so today I was suppose to have a friend over for a play date. But then I needed to go with Jon to the local DMV to get new DL's so we both can drive legally, because apparently it's illegal to drive without one. I know annoying right?

 We didn't get back until like 5:00 pm and then both kids wanted to eat and sleep.  After they were taking unavoidable late naps we had dinner and before I knew it it was time for American Idol. I enjoyed most of it but then my hubby and I got into a little spat and from then on out I couldn't really enjoy it. He decided he was really grumpy and needed a late nap too. So for awhile it was just me... okay for a while I mean like five minutes because I had to wake up Abigail and Bronco so they wouldn't stay up incredibly late tonight.

After which Bronco decided he was hungry and was doing everything he could to make me hurry as fast as possible to GET HIS BOTTLE made!I made his bottle and in two minutes it was gone and Abby and him played contently on the floor.

Jon woke up and we made up. It's no fun fighting... I'm still kind of mad because I didn't get to enjoy American Idol! ;) HOWEVER!!! My dear Casey Abrhams went through!

On top of all that I lost my phone when we got home and I just found it and discovered I had like four missed calls. Bummer.  I never keep track of anything.  I can always find myself if I look in the mirror but that's about it.

On the flip side the kids are getting fatter! Bronco doesn't really need to keep growing but I hear the chunkier the better! Abby though, really needs to put back on the weight.  Her cheeks are getting chubby again and she's getting some rolls on her arms.  Next stop is her belly!!

Also, right now Jon is sitting with Abs on the floor telling her over and over again how gorgeous she is and she just smiles wide. Now he's trying to get her to say "mama"... every time he says my name she growls, or making tooting noise with her lips.  I can't be jealous she calls Jon dada because I get all the kisses!
Yup! That's right she only gives me kisses and no one else! :)

Well, I just felt like blabbering a little bit.  When you're a mother of two little ones, with no social life you forget what it's like to have a conversation.  Once my visiting teacher came to visit me (of course) I talked and talked and she barely got a word in edge wise.  I was even trying to converse when she was going out the door. Jon finally shut the door because if I had my way I would have followed her to her apartment. haha Probably not that extreme but you catch my drift.

OH boy! I'm doing right now! Well, I'm officially saying goodbye!

ps Jon got a job that starts April 4th! Happy St Patricks Day!

We love our sweet little spirits! It feels like heaven everyday with them in our home!

Just gas? I don't think so... just happiness! <3

Blue Eyes... you have us wrapped around your finger!

My little man doing what he does best...being a stud

Our darling Abby... always has a smile on her face!